From a young age, I fell in love with the horror genre and the abandoned, anything creepy I was fascinated with. It started as a bonding experience between my aunt, sister, and me, but it soon became a passion!  My fondest memory was sitting on the floor of my aunt’s apartment, I begged to watch one of her movies and she played “The Devils Rejects” a bizarre film that made me question so much but at the end a song played as the villains fled from the cops, “Free Bird” By  Lynyrd Skynyrd. My aunt’s favorite song. I remember hearing her hum as we watched the scene together, years later when she passed I still listen to the song to think of her. My love for it goes to a deeper level than just the crazy special effect makeup, the blood-soaked props/clothes, and the eerie feeling that sends chills down your spine. But it also soon became a creative outlet for me, whether it was reading, writing, painting or Photography. 

I have always been interested in the abandoned, whether it’s buildings, homes,or businesses, but one that stands out to me is my dream location, Insane Asylums, but that will be a dream for the future! This project took a lot more turns than I had originally planned for, but that’s what I love most about photography. You can “draw outside of the lines”, you don’t need to follow a straight path and can let your creativity go crazy!  

For this project, I wanted to create an eerie body of work! Something that showed the beauty of creepy or mysterious items, like broken statues, abandoned homes, and other horror elements. My biggest focus was the exploration of abandoned buildings, doing hours of research, and searching on Google Maps. I was able to find a couple of locations and was able to explore an abandoned restaurant. I am most interested in seeing people’s reactions to my work, how the photos make them feel, and how the spaces make them feel

Far Western Tavern
Old Farm House